Angel celebrates Singapore national day

On the eve of Singapore national day, we were told to dress Angel up in Singapore flag colors of red and white for school. We also decided to pay the school a visit as we thought it would be cute to photograph her with the other kids in red.

The last time I saw Angel having a big gathering, she had just joined the new school for a few days. She was all shy and scared, the teacher even had to carry her to join the group performance. This time we didn't expect any performance, but to our surprise the teachers called out Angel's group to perform first. You can imagine my nervousness as I watched Angel being led to the front and stand in the center of the row. I did not know how she would cope.

But as soon as the music started, we were pleasantly surprised! Angel is actually one of the best performers in the group! She remembered all the steps, and as far as I can tell, she did the best dance shake. I even caught this shy girl smiling during her performance.

My baby is performing on the stage!

We're very very happy and proud of Angel.