Self taught

I remember just a few weeks ago Angel was pulling out all the tissue papers from the box just for fun. Today, I saw her drop a bit of food on her dress, she quickly ran to grab the tissue box, pulled out one piece and used it to clean her dress.

This is an amazing sight for me. The teachers might have taught her some life skills, but I believe more likely that she learned it all on her own. Angel learned this simply by listening to us and observing what we do, repeatedly. 

It's how she learned:
  • To use a spoon.
  • To turn on the iPad, slide her finger to unlock, switch apps, and change volume.
  • Which buttons to press to open and close the lift doors.
  • Which buttons to press to turn on the DVD player and eject the tray.
  • Which remote to pass to me to play the DVD.
  • To hold and phone and say hello and bye.
  • To use the door handle.
  • To hold a imaginary mic, close her eyes, and pretend to sing.
  • And more..
Angel may be quiet at times, but she's definitely very observant.

I think I need to behave myself more now. Less swearing, be even more considerate to other people, and be someone that I hope Angel will grow up to be - good natured.