Go outside
Today I decided to cycle further into Punggol Waterway and discovered that the park is actually way bigger than I thought. And to our pleasant surprise, we discovered a sand playground and a water park. Angel spent almost an hour in the sand, my mum-in-law wasn't too happy when we got home because Angel was covered in sand from head to toe.
People often give you many reasons not to bring your kids outdoors. It's too hot, it's raining, it's too late, the grass and leaves are causing skin itch, the sand and mud is dirty, they might stumble and fall, they might hurt themselves.
For me, this is what childhood is all about - to go outside and play.
Bring your kids out, and observe them. You'll see that they are exploring, discovering, and learning (often from their own mistakes). But most importantly, they are having fun. I will never deny Angel the chance to do this.
We had a blast at the sand playground today. Angel started by slowly and curiously poking the sand with sticks. Then she started to touch the sand with her finger, and move her finger around in the sand. Slowly, she started to grab the sand and pour onto her own feet, thighs, chest, even her head.
Angel got adventurous and started grabbing sand, chasing me, and pouring onto my feet, my pants, even my head when I was squatting taking a photo. Yes, some sand got onto my camera, but I just couldn't resist her laughter.
Angel refused to stop playing with sand, til a stage I had to carry her to the side and tell her it was time to go home. She was now covered in sand, but you can feel the immense joy when she said "bye bye sand".
I'm already thinking of going back there next weekend. We will venture outdoors again, in the sun, or rain.
People often give you many reasons not to bring your kids outdoors. It's too hot, it's raining, it's too late, the grass and leaves are causing skin itch, the sand and mud is dirty, they might stumble and fall, they might hurt themselves.
For me, this is what childhood is all about - to go outside and play.
Bring your kids out, and observe them. You'll see that they are exploring, discovering, and learning (often from their own mistakes). But most importantly, they are having fun. I will never deny Angel the chance to do this.
We had a blast at the sand playground today. Angel started by slowly and curiously poking the sand with sticks. Then she started to touch the sand with her finger, and move her finger around in the sand. Slowly, she started to grab the sand and pour onto her own feet, thighs, chest, even her head.
Angel got adventurous and started grabbing sand, chasing me, and pouring onto my feet, my pants, even my head when I was squatting taking a photo. Yes, some sand got onto my camera, but I just couldn't resist her laughter.
Angel refused to stop playing with sand, til a stage I had to carry her to the side and tell her it was time to go home. She was now covered in sand, but you can feel the immense joy when she said "bye bye sand".
I'm already thinking of going back there next weekend. We will venture outdoors again, in the sun, or rain.