Beautiful wedding video

This is one of the best wedding videos I've seen.

I like it not because it has lots of special effects, it has little.  Not because it showcases the little details and decorations, hardly any. Not because it has dramatization, it has none. I like it because it captures what wedding is really about - two people who met and fell in love with each other. And on this day, with the blessing of their families and friends, they become husband and wife.

Simple. Beautiful.

Precious moments

Yesterday when I reached home, instead of the usual bicycle ride, I decided to take a walk with Angel to the nearby park. This night, for some reason, Angel held on to my little finger the whole time and refused to let go.

She insisted that I do all the things with her while she held on to my finger. We walked, we hopped, we ran, we climbed up the slide, we went down the slide, we spun, we ran in circles, and we danced with the old folks.

This was more exhausting then usual, and my finger actually hurt from all the pulling and twisting. At some point I felt quite annoyed and frustrated, then I remembered this story.

When Angel was mere few months old, she needed a lot of rocking to calm down and fall asleep. We used to take turns to rock her and the whole episode could take an hour or more. Of course, there were times of frustration, plenty. Then my wife told me something that still sticks with me til this day.

"These moments won't last forever. Before you know it, Angel won't be able to fit in your arms, she won't want to sleep there even if you could. Soon, she won't want to sleep on your shoulder, and you won't be able to feel her breath next to your face."

Sure enough, I'm already missing those moments...

Angel can hold on to my little finger any time, I'll treasure these moments always.