Angel taking photos

We never taught Angel how to take photos, but she managed to pick it up all by herself simply by watching us use our phones and cameras. So lately she's been using her LeapPad2 and asking to hold our phones to take some photos.

While doing so, Angel often asks me "what picture do I take?".  I'm tempted to tell her exactly what to do, but these days I just tell her "you can take whatever you want". I'm really interested to see what kind of photos a child would capture without much social influence. And I'm actually seeing some really interesting photos from Angel.

Saying goodbye to ballet

Angel has been struggling in ballet, and lately she has been telling us that she doesn't want to go dance. After attending the classes for more than a year, today she said this to me: "I don't know how to dance, but I know how to draw."

It is clear to me that she is not enjoying it, so today we decided to cancel her ballet lesson. This is the last photo I took of her in pink tutu, I'm so going to miss seeing her in this.

Family is number one

It took me a long time to realize this - No matter what you do, family always comes first.

And it is little Angel who always reinforces this point to us.

Whatever Angel does, she always tries to give four equal portion:
  • When she draws something, she would draw four. "One for Andrea, one for daddy, one for mama, one for popo"
  • "Which sticker you like? Cat? Ok butterfly for Andrea, cat for daddy, rabbit for mama, and bee for popo"
  • "Andrea's bicycle is pink, daddy's bicycle is green, mama's bicycle is blue, daddy where is popo's bicycle?"
  • And tonight, at the playground, she asked me to make four letters with flowers - A, D, M, and P

I talked about unconditional love before. Tonight, she got scolded because she didn't want to sleep, so she cried really badly. But just before she fell asleep, she reached over to pat mama and whispered "Mama I love you".

Happy birthday Angel!

Angel has turned four! This year we celebrated her birthday at Pollywogs with all her cousins and friends. The next day, on her actual birthday, we brought another celebration to her school.

After that, I was wondering how we could spend the day with Angel. Well, since she had been telling me that she wanted to go "cabom car" ever since her first trip, so despite me having a slight fever, off we went to Sentosa.

Train, cable car, luge, skyride, McDonald's, and our very first experience of Songs of the Sea. Even though the weather wasn't ideal, we all had a great time.

Happy birthday princess. We love you.